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Writer's pictureHudson Mackenzie

My Little Gang - Miniature Fun

As I have previously spoken about in this post here I have always wanted to play miniature war games but never had friends with the same passion to play with and take some of the burden of making the table look good.

And along comes my friend Matt. With his beautiful set of Games Workshop’s fantasy skirmish game, WarCry and scratch built terrain. His laboriously built and painted set was a delight to play on and share in the fruits of his hard work. We shared two games that were bloody strategic and, most importantly, fun within its tight ruleset and thematic abilities.

Aww man the table he makes me feel like a 12 year old boy
I think I spend about half the time at his house just putting my head at the level of these little guys and living in the world he created

I got home at 11:00 that night and by 11:30 I had already messaged someone on FB marketplace to organise pickup of my very own warband!

As much as I don't like a lot of what Games Workshop does or stands for, these models were very straight forward and fun to assemble

I knew if I wanted a warband I’d also want to make a full playable set of terrain so I could have everything I needed to introduce others to the game. So after a while of searching files on I found this set that suited my criteria of playability, genre-agnostic, simple to paint and beautiful I got my 3D printer warm and started printing.

So with the a lot of time and countless hours of help from my beautiful friend Ibby we made our way through the paint job of the terrain and 11 tiny dudes.

First boy! I was so pleased with how he turned out, particularly his face
All terrain primed and ready to paint
Just sanity check with my little mans with the terrain and man he looks great
Picking out all the crystals was work. Particularly because I chose multiple colours but wow was it worth it

A little edge highlight went a long way to make the crystals pop. Looks outstanding in person
Flock! Little greenery was always the most exciting part of miniatures for me and the part that really brings it to life. Matt taught me how to apply it and we spent a long time thinking about how greenery would grown on this terrain
Oh it looks so lush! It didn't stay quite so bright after drying but I still love it
This was the inspiration I found for how to paint the men to minimize that painful trim that is so over painted in the box art
Base colours down
Everyone all finished!! Dry brushes and washes did them wonders!
Aslan looks great on the table. I was particularly pleased with how the smoke come out
Oh yeah and because I am a raging nerd, they all got cute names

This project got out of hand really quick and I found myself very overwhelmed by the sheer volume of hours required to make this set. This took months and was probably a project I picked up to procrastinate more important tasks in my life but hey, you live and you learn.

With a bit of pressure from Matt, who was getting itchier to play with each week that past where my boys weren’t complete, I finally finished to make a playable set! The next evening we played out enogoral game and it was so rewarding.

This board has so much life in it!
Really gave his Stormcast Eternals a beating too haha
This picture sells it pretty hard. Ur got his head caved in by that Eternal pretty soon after this picture was taken

This project was a lot and I burnt myself out of miniature making for the foreseeable future. It was amazing to finally live out a childhood dream of having my own little men with little names and even littler swords.

To do this project again I would better split up parts of the project such as the terrain, the models and the supporting items like objective markers and tokens and take them on one by one. That way if I ever I get bored or life gets in the way I have a good stopping point and can put it away for a while. I was simply too excited and took on too much all at once.

I’m very happy to have a set of terrain I am so proud of. With some other pieces in the future it could very well support other games on bigger tables just as I planned.

I have another warband that has been benched until I am ready to paint again, along with some crafted ladders and unpainted objective markers. I look forward to when I’m ready again but for now this can just be a fulfilled dream that I am so proud of.

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